Love Letter to L.A. Night's while ill

It seems like the television

was talking to me,


She said it wasn't a problem

but I knew

it would get worse

before she could accept it.

And the bugs, too

make me so afraid

as she had once done.

The neighbours,

the teachers,

a sinking feeling of being hunted.

Laying in bed.

The yellow light from the bathroom

echoing throughout the room.

Tucked away in some L.A. motel,

dead-end, high-end.

It's as if he would step out,

lean against the doorframe

and look at me tenderly.

But my sickness has no form,

it remains effortless

in its ability to tear me apart.

The crescendo of screams,

an orchestra

of the inaudible chatter,

Arabic, English.

My world quietly whispers

for a paranoid foreground,

strangled breathing,

trapped scratching,

echoing throughout the walls.

Faintly echoed in the same breath

as my young lover's exhale,

I stood at the precipice

of his voice, aching

in the same way as one shivers

fighting against the cruel cold.

The world of wonders muted

between ivory plating,

the crushing inevitability looms

and aches between its own jaws. Wondering

to itself,

if it will become untangled

or snap itself in half.

Chased down its own twists

and twine,

spiralling further, plummeting

into the afraid,

some might utter to me

'I know what you mean,'

and whisper back an entirely different fear.

As I lay in bed, my sickness ravaging

I stare at the ceiling,

sweating for a rush or release.

I lay beneath my lover

and watch him with amazement,

he moves without disgrace

and I stay wondering if this is all I will be.

How so wonderful in the way

he exists so vibrant,

bleeding against my monochrome.

Just like a bathroom light

splitting a dark room open with warmth.